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09.02.2023 12:10 Age: 2 yrs
Category: Company News, Press Review, Technical News

From February 8 to 9 the Glassman show opens its doors again

Glass manufacturers from glassmaking facilities around Europe are welcomed in Istanbul to get informed about latest innovations and trends.

Presently, the Turkish glass industry is enjoying an increase in demand and massive investments are made. Thanks to its strategic geographic location at the crossroads of Europe and Asia and its proximity to the Middle East and Africa as well as its access to raw materials Turkish glass is in demand like never before.

The Turkish glass industry is thought to be the third largest in the world and is renowned for its excellent design capabilities and high-quality glass products. Throughout its history and even now, Istanbul has maintained its position as the heart of Türkiye’s economy.

Together with its cooperation partner IRIS, Heye is looking forward to meeting glass manufacturers from Türkiye and other European countries on their booths D15-D18.

For many years, IRIS and Heye have together been supplying inspection lines for glass container factories worldwide. Both are specialists in their field : IRIS in camera inspection machines, Heye in check inspection machines. This complementary partnership has today become a cold end commercial alliance (WENSPECT) with added value where intelligent software is combined with a robust mechanics.

Get a collective expertise to your cold end!

Looking forward to seeing you in Istanbul! 

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