Summer, sun, dragon boats - and the Heye dragon team right in the middle of it all! At the 18th fun regatta of the Hamelin Canoe Club we are proud to have achieved 13th place in the silver finals! Congratulations to the team and...[more]
Hier ist Teamarbeit gefragt: Die Trommlerin gibt den Takt an und die Paddler nehmen den Rhythmus gemeinsam auf und bringen das Drachenboot ins Ziel. Endlich hat das Team der Heye-Drachen nach zweijähriger Corona-Pause wieder...[more]
When the doors of Glassman Latin America opened, the long wait after the fair break caused by Corona finally came to an end. For Heye International, exhibiting at the Glassman was the first major fair participation after a break...[more]
Conserving resources and avoiding emissions: For a future towards increased sustainability, Heye International also focuses on e-mobility. An electrically powered VW e-Up has been part of the fleet since April, replacing a...[more]
You are kindly invited to inform yourself on the latest solutions Heye is offering for a Smart Plant. A Smart Plant combines the best Industry 4.0 concepts in order to produce glass containers in an energy-efficient and...[more]
The Smart Plant is highly automated and able to keep a top quality level at low unit costs. This digital future has already started. However, the processes to achieve optimal results require sophisticated knowledge and...[more]
For 38 years, Bernd Warnecke has dedicated his working life to Heye International, 16 of which as Chairman of the Works Council. He retired at the end of March. Occasions like this are usually celebrated at Heye...[more]
Heye’s development of new inspection equipment responds to market demands, which are currently dominated by two trends: premiumisation and the journey to net zero. [more]