Industry 4.0 - Smart Plant
Heye Multi Weight
Multi Weight / Assortment Production
Different weights - same Feeder
Using the Heye International servo drive control unit, in conjunction with the servo plunger and dual motor shears, gobs of different weights can be produced on a single IS-Machine simultaneously - also in NNPB.
Unique advantages
What sets the Heye International solution apart from others is that the plunger and shear work in tandem with each other, ensuring that every gob is used and no energy is wasted. The handling and operation are very simple and clear, so very little time is needed to achieve the desired result. In addition, the main, high-volume part of the production remains unaffected.
- Samplings easy to handle
- Short job runs
- Less downtime to reconfigure IS-Machine
- Several different jobs per machine
- Fewer machine-wide job changes
- Fewer moulds for each low-volume article
Enquiry Multi Weight