Heye Newsletter

CO-Retrofit: Now we're doing it colourful! >
< Inspection takes a starring role
22.01.2021 11:50 Alter: 3 yrs
Kategorie: Company News, Pressespiegel, Services

Vorteile des strukturierten Projekt Managements

Keeping the overview is essential for every project. Many tasks are complex and need specialist knowledge and expertise. Sophisticated project management leads to specified and structured procedures during entire project period, which finally helps to achieve the stipulated objectives in shortest time. Heye International implemented a modern project management concept to fulfill customers requriements and bring the project to a success.

Glass International, Dec./Jan. 2021 - click here for the entire article

With a new investment, certain targets have to be kept. Finally it is all about budget, quality and time: The fixed budget may not be exceeded, the quality of products and practices must be satisfactory and the time schedule has to be kept. There is often an overwhelming amount of information when it comes to a new investment in a glass production facility. When Heye gets a machine order, the company handles all commercial and technical processes with a structured and permanently reviewed project management system, called „PM@Heye“. According to the project’s type and scope the basic structure can be adapted and customised.

By stipulating and maintaining the project goals and sub-goals in their single phases, the overall goal is usually better achieved and customers are satisfied, as Ralph Versluis, Production Technology Manager at Ardagh Glass Europe, confirms: „Since my cooperation with Heye I have been involved in many projects and I also met several project managers. The process PM@Heye is certainly a main driver for an effective flow through the different phases of a project and finally for a successful start of a machine. I am a strong believer that good processes drive good results. The main focus for the cooperation with Heye has always been on the process and the transparency. A mutual understanding of what the needs are and how those can best be translated into the project process is what has driven the good results over the latest projects.“